As the first in our articles celebrating 40 years of business, where better to start than with our most loyal employees or the “Genesis Boys”. Thermaset prides itself on its retention of staff and how better to illustrate this than the story of David, Frank, Andy and Pete.
David has been here since day 1 in his role of Production Director. He remembers watching the Superbowl before his first day and has been integral to the growth and success of the company. He thoroughly believes in the mantra of “don’t ask anybody to do a job you wouldn’t do yourself”. Consequently, David can often be found elbow deep in powder on the shop floor getting that urgent requirement out for a customer.
Frank joined in the first year of Thermaset, having previously worked with David. His Laboratory and Chemistry expertise was vital to Thermaset in the first fledgling years of the company. With this knowledge along with both on the job training and external accreditation he has worked his way up to QHSE Manager. He has responsibility for all Laboratory based work as well as being the Health and Safety Officer on site. Nothing gets past Franks’s pedantic gaze.

Andy and Pete are the longest serving employees here at Thermaset. Pete’s dad was the original maintenance engineer and Pete was brought on board when we moved to our larger premises in 1987. Pete was initially employed to do building works on the new site and was then moved to production where he has been ever since. Brother-in-law Andy joined the fold a couple of years later, keeping the “family feel” around Thermaset. Their vast experience and knowledge of every aspect of the manufacturing process has meant they have an expertise of powder that is second to none. With this insight of both the business and the process they are integral to the training of new starters and development of employees as they further their journey at Thermaset.